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Does your small business have checks and balances in its accounting processes? If not, you may be at risk for fraud, error, embezzlement, and theft. What are bookkeeping checks and balances and how can you implement them no matter what your size and scope? Here's what you need to know.
What Are Checks and Balances?
The concept of a check-and-balance system is to divide up rights and responsibilities in order to ensure no one person has too much control over anything. It's based on the same idea written into the United States Constitution, which divides up the roles of making laws, enforcing them, and determining their constitutionality. This way, no one office can act with impunity.
How Can a Small Business Use Checks and Balances?
Of course, your business is not the U.S. government. So how can checks and balances work in your accounting system? Rather than have one employee who does a sensitive process all on their own, the company includes other employees at various stages to ensure no one can act without anyone else's knowledge. This reduces the chance of both fraud and mistakes.
Consider the receipt of cash. Customers give cash to a clerk who puts the cash into the safe. Someone must then record the cash and take it to the bank. Finally, the amount of money is entered into the books. To create a check-and-balance system, each of these three steps would be done by a different staff member to check the others. One takes cash, one deposits it, and one records it.
Dividing these jobs ensures that no one employee could skim off the cash, record cash they didn't receive, or falsify the books. In addition, errors at all points are more likely to get caught before they mess up your books.
What Tasks Should Be Broken Up?
So, what jobs should you divide up? This varies for each business, but here are some common ways many use checks and balances.
Quality Bookkeeping Services Inc.
Landfall Executive Suites
1213 Culbreth Drive, Suite 402
Wilmington, NC 28405
Phone: 910-452-0480
Fax: 910-452-0489